Before you drive away after an auto body repair, make sure to carefully inspect your vehicle and look for common issues. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t trust your local auto body repair shop. It’s always a good idea to review the quality of service, and if there were any lapses, or potential problems that you might deal with later on.

Post Repair: Inspection

You can start by inspecting the body repair area for any irregularities, such as color mismatch, uneven texture, or overspray. Take a look at it from a distance, and get closer as you search for imperfections. Finally, inspect the vehicle for an overall review.

If you feel dissatisfied with these aspects, point them out immediately to the service representative. In the event that there are potential issues, you can always choose a third-party inspection. Search for a “body shop near me” on your mobile device browser to select a suitable auto body repair outlet. It’s never too late to seek a second opinion.

Common Auto Body Repair Problems to Look For

Some less reputable auto body repair shops resort to unscrupulous practices. This happens in all industries. So, you have to be extra vigilant to spot the following common issues:


In case of poor alignment, the car usually pulls to one side. Poor wheel alignment, bent body, or wrong alignment in unibody structure can wear out tires faster.

Related Content: 4 Modern Car Body Work Techniques You Should Try


Clipping occurs when auto repair shops weld an entirely used section from another vehicle like the front end. Modern cars use lightweight, high-strength materials. The malpractice of clipping can lead to structural weakness with serious safety risks.


Expensive airbags can get easy money on the black market. Some shady auto repair shop owners do not install airbags even after charging full payment from insurance companies. You can inspect your vehicle to find out if the airbag was replaced or not. Watch out for the airbag indicator in the dashboard, or gently knock on the steering wheel. If it sounds hollow, you should check it out immediately to reveal possible fraud.

Duplicate or Used Spare Parts

It’s hard to believe that some insurance companies work with auto body repair shops to use substandard or used parts, but it happens. Most aftermarket spare parts do not meet the manufacturer’s specifications. Such inferior quality may pose a severe safety risk if there’s ever a collision. Always ask the auto repair shop to provide original receipts for any parts that they replace.

Related Content: Collision Repair: OEM vs Aftermarket Auto Body Parts


Any change in suspension parts calls for checking torque specification. A loose assembly implies negative vehicle performance. You may ask the repair shop for the procedure used to replace suspension parts and if they torqued it to manufacturer’s specs.

Auto Body Repair 101

Being extra cautious after an auto body repair prevents frauds and ensures better vehicle safety. Don’t hesitate to inspect your vehicle before hitting the road. And if you spot an issue, California Collision is here to help. Call us at (925) 484-0111 to schedule an appointment with our specialists today. We’re here to help if you have any questions.